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Fowl Play Career Resilience Banner

Fully Funded on

Fowl Play Kickstarter
Fowl Play by CareerSocius Box 3D
Fowl Play by CareerSocius Cards
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In the land of Fowl Play, soar your way through different 
life events together with your feathered friends. 


Social Worker Sabrina

Teacher Timothy

Fowl Play by CareerSocius Social Worker Sabrina
Fowl Play by CareerSocius Lawyer Lincoln
Fowl Play by CareerSocius Teacher Timmy
Fowl Play by CareerSocius Web Developer Wendy

Web Developer Wendy

Lawyer Lincoln

And more...

Kickstarter launch
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How to Play

Game Setup

Fowl Play by CareerSocius Game Setup

Draw cards

Players take turn to draw: 

  • 1 Role and 1 Energizer card to be displayed in front of you

  • 5 SPARK cards to be kept on hand

Role card

Fowl Play by CareerSocius Broker Benedict Role card

Energizer card

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Fowl Play by CareerSocius SPARK cards

SPARK cards

Event cards

Fowl Play by CareerSocius Event cards

Encounter Events

Start each turn by taking an Event card from the deck:

  • Read it out to everyone

  • All other players to choose a SPARK card as a piece of advice and conversation starter in response to the event

Choose Your SPARK

Decide whose SPARK card advice is best for you while considering your Role and Energizer.

The Player whose advice gets chosen by you wins a point and takes the Event card.

Fowl Play by CareerSocius Choose Your SPARK

First player to earn 5 points wins!

For more detailed step-by-step instructions, check out the official Gameplay guide in the card game set.

How to Play


SPARK is a career resilience model designed to help you take charge, navigate and overcome setbacks in your career.

Fowl Play by CareerSocius SPARK Career Resilience Model
Fowl Play by CareerSocius 5-Day SPARK Journey Email Subscription Course

Take Flight on a
5-Day SPARK Journey

Join our feathered friends on this egg-citing conquest to help you better navigate and build a thriving career!

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on Social Media

for more insightful content and occasional bird-puns

Fowl Play by CareerSocius Instagram
Fowl Play by CareerSocius Facebook

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